Mission, Vision and Values

Creating an environment for EMS to thrive

To be the standard for pre-hospital care nationally

Patient First
Service Always
Innovation Driven
Mission - Creating an environment for EMS to thrive.
The mission of our system is rooted in a singular idea: to create an environment where EMS can thrive. Our goal is not to hinder the capabilities and potential of EMS, but rather to promote its success. We believe EMS is an integral part of not just health care, but the community as a whole. Lives are impacted every single day by the dedicated providers who tirelessly work to better their communities. We are here to support that effort; to provide the tools, resources, and abilities for agencies to fully serve their communities. Without these services, communities would suffer and lives would be impacted negatively.
Vision- To be the standard for pre-hospital care nationally.
Our vision is simple: to be the standard for pre-hospital care nationally. We envision being a leading EMS system across not just the state, but the nation. We believe in being exceptional in patient care. We aspire to lead in innovation. We strive to be progressive in our care. We hope to be influencers and not followers. This vision is ambitious and is demanding of our entire resolve, but we are ready to face the challenges that lay ahead to make our vision a reality.
Values - Patient First. Service Always. Innovation Driven.
Values are vital to guiding the steps we take to obtain our vision. We must hold these values closely in every decision. Our values must be intertwined into our organization. Without these values, we begin to lose sight of why we do what we do. The cornerstone to what we do will always be patient first. Every decision, every challenge, every answer, should be centered in the idea of the patient being first and foremost. They are why we exist, they are why we serve. Service is not another platitude; rather, it is a concept that roots itself in our history, our story, and our future. We serve because we believe in the duty to aid our neighbors and our communities in their greatest time of need. Innovation is a necessity. We live in a world where we have to be ready to respond to the evolving challenges that arise. If we are unwilling to be innovative in our delivery, our care, and our response, we will struggle to remain relevant and are no longer able to be successful in serving our communities.